Schedule your Bliss 

 If you do not already have a MIndBody account, you will be prompted to create one upon scheduling. The MindBody App makes it simple to access availability and book your private sessions, classes, trainings & more.

If you have a group or special request, visit the "Next Level Events" tab! We would love to help you create your next High Vibrational Celebration or Gathering!

Human Design Activation:

This 75 minute session activates your personalized chart and covers the first 12 points of your Human Design. Receive insight into your unique navigation system and learn to understand your internal compass (aka intuition). Gain clarity on how to best make decisions and use your innate gifts. Address relationships, work, and/or the direction of your purpose. Understand how your subtle body uniquely absorbs and puts out energy. Awaken to the YOU that you were born to be! $140/75min

Psychic Reiki w Crystals:

Enjoy 45 minutes of relaxing hands-on Reiki w Crystal Resonance therapy. This session is channeled and facilitated by your guides, angels, and ancestors. Expect to hear messages from the divine, get information about what your body, mind, spirit needs for balance, and receive your spiritual homework. $120/45min

Body & Soul Blessing:

The 90 minute Reiki Massage is a generous blend of Relaxing Reiki w Crystal Therapy, Massage w essential oils, Sound Healing, Sacred Smudge & full Mind/Body/Spirit blessing. $180/90min

Oracle Card Reading:

This 60 minute session gives you a chance to connect with your guides through a series of cards. Ask questions and receive guidance about an area of your life where you would like to gain clarity. $140/60min

Alchymie Energy Clearing

Energy Clearing is an important part of our energetic hygiene…as beings who have chosen density (and the game of karma), the 3rd dimensional/physical aspect of self tends to pick things up along the way…in other words, we choose to carry unnecessary heaviness. The Alchymie Clearing session assists in the release of psychic debris, energetic/emotional intensity, programmed/conditioned behaviors/beliefs, & more. $108/45min

Soul Coaching:

90 minutes to ask questions, receive guidance, find focus, explore your purpose, connect with loved ones, create a plan, get to the bottom of something, discuss your human design, pull cards, receive reiki, activate your energy, get grounded and much can happen in this short time! $160/90min


Soul Coaching: Initiate your Awakening!  

The first step on your Ascension path is AWAKENING! 

Are you ready to Align with your Soul's purpose and rise into your fullest potential?

What is Soul Coaching?

A 90-minute Soul Coaching session is designed to initiate and support your awakening. With Shree's intuitive guidance, you’ll receive helpful tips, tools, and insights to shift from density to divinity, awakening to a whole new perspective.

Powerful Modalities

to Guide Your Path:

  • Alchymie

  • Human Design

  • Oracle Divination

  • Channeled & Intuitive Coaching

Shree will help you connect deeply with your Soul-self, providing personalized guidance that empowers you to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Awaken. Align. Ascend.

Transformative Packages to Support Your Journey:

  • 1 Session – $160
    Perfect for an introduction to soul alignment and receiving immediate insight and tools.

  • 3 Sessions – $444
    A guided exploration to deepen your awakening and gain momentum on your path.

  • 6 Sessions – $888

     A comprehensive path to elevate your alignment and set foot on your Ascension Path. Includes access to Shree’s classes, unlimited, for the duration of your package!

  • 12 Sessions – $1555
    A Year of Transformation — 12 x 90-minute sessions to accompany your year-long Soul Coaching journey. This package includes a Virtual Guidebook as well as access to Shree’s classes for ongoing support, during the duration of your package.


Learn More About Soul Coaching 

Send us a message including which package you are interested in and we will get back to you ASAP!